Irmak Akgurle, Turkey

  • What is your full name? How old are you?                                                                                 My name is Abdulaziz Almohareb and I’m 27 years old.
  • Where do you come from?

I’m from Saudi Arabia.


  • How long will you stay here?

I will stay here one and a half months.


  • If you had the chance to be a super hero which one would you be? Why?

I wouldn’t want to be a certain one, I would want to protect world but with a secret name so that they wouldn’t know me.


  • Do you think English is important or not? Why?

Yes, because it’s the first language in the world and also you need it in your business or when you’re travelling.


  • What is your worst habit? Do you do anything to get rid of it?

My worst habit is sleeping too much. No I don’t do anything to get rid of it because I love sleeping and I feel relaxed when I sleep.


  • Do you have any dreams for your feature? Tell me about some of them.

Yes I have. I want to be successful in my enterprise and I want to have 1 hundred million dollars.


  • What do you do in your free time?

I play games, hang out with my friends, watch movies or series and go to parties.


  • Do you like living in your city? In which city would you want to live?

Yes but my city is not like a city because it’s too small. I would want to live in Santa Barbara.


  • Which one do you prefer travelling in time or teleportation? Why?


I prefer travelling in time so that I can have the advantage to see different times and also it’s good to predict the future and see if it’s true or not.

Interviews with Jana and Paula

Melodie Sanscartier, Canada

Interviewing Jana and Paula

  1. Where are you from and how long are you staying?

J: She lives in Switzerland with her family. She is staying here for 5 weeks.

P: She lives in Argentina in a flat by herself. She is staying here for 3 weeks.

  1. Do you have pets? If yes what is his name?

J: She has a cat name Vanessa

P: No she doesn’t have pets

  1. How old are you?

J: She is 16 years old

P: She is 33 years old

  1. What is your favorite country that you want to visit?

J: The place she would want to visit would be Los Angeles

P: The places she would want to visit would be Germany and Peru to see the Machu Pichu

  1. What language do you speak?

J: She speaks German (native language), English and a little bit of French

P: She speaks Spanish (native language), English and German

  1. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

J: She has one sister name Lina

P: She has one sister and one brother whose names are Marcela and Mathias

  1. Where do you live in Santa Barbara?

J: She lives in a residence name Tropicana

P: She lives in a flat at the residence

  1. What is your favorite movie or kind of movie?

J: She doesn’t like horror movie, but almost everything else like the Harry Potter series

P: She likes comics’ movies but nothing in particular

  1. What is your favorite shop?

J: Her favorite shop is Brandy Melville

P: Her favorite shop is Unicenter

  1. Do you play any sports? If yes what?

J: She doesn’t play sports right now but she used to play volleyball

P: She doesn’t play sport but she likes rollers and she also likes to exercise486908_10154041691576926_1505745239858925193_n(1)jana1

Interviews with Melodie and Paola


Jana Odermatt, Swizerland

1. Where are you from?
Paola is from Argentina and Melodie is from Canada
2. Do you have a favorite sport?
Melodies favorite sport is Tennis and  Paolas favorite sport is Roller
3. Do you have a pet?
No they don’t have a pet
4. If you could choose any profession which would you like to do?
She would love to be a Unilever(P) lawyer (M)
5. Do you have a favorite TV show, film or series?
She loves Harry Potter and friends (M) comics movies (P)
6. How many languages do you speak?
She speaks English, French and a little bit Spanish(M) German, Spanish, a little bit German and English (P)
7. Do you have a favorite city?
Her favorite citys are the Bahamas(M),Germany and Peru (P)
8. What’s your favorite food?
Her favorite food is Sushi (M) salad(P)
9. How old are you?
She is 16 years old(m) 33 years old(P)
10. Do you live in a host family?
She lives in a host family (M) apartment (P)

-Melodie from CanadaMelodie

-Paola from Argentina486908_10154041691576926_1505745239858925193_n(1)

Interview with Agustina Lopez

Pierina Staub, Switzerland



  1. Who do you live with in your home country?

Agustina lives with her mother in a house in Uruguay.

  1. What is your favorite sport?

She doesn’t play any sport and also doesn’t really like to watch them but she’s regularly going to the gym.

  1. Do you like animals?

She doesn’t like cats but she loves dogs really much and also has one. Its name is Laila and it is 5 years old.

  1. Are you still going to school?

Yes, she’s only 16 years old so she’s still in school and now in her last year.

  1. Why did you choose Santa Barbara as your destination?

Because the beach is very nice as well as the weather and she loves the State Street where cool shops are and you can go shopping.

  1. How long are you staying and since when are you here?

Agustina has been here since Sunday the 26th of June and she’s going to stay here for the next three weeks.

  1. What do you like the most here?

She can’t choose one thing out of the whole because everything is quite cool.

  1. Is this your first time being abroad without your parents?

No, she’s already been in the States few years ago and once did an exchange with an Italian Student.

  1. Is there a special food you eat in your country?

There’s Asado in Uruguay, which is a special and very good kind of meat.

  1. What do you like to do in your free time?

She loves to watch series like Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, Game of Thrones or any other you can imagine. If she’s not watching series, she hangs out with friends.





Interview with Juliette Asselin

By Luara Garcia, Brazil

  1. What is your name and where are you from? My name’s Juliette Asselin, I’m from Saint-Lambert, Quebec, Canada.
  2. How old are you? I’m 16 years old.
  3. Tell me one typical food of your country: Poutine, which is fried cheese with sauce.
  4. Do you play any sport? No, I don’t play any sport.
  5. Do like watching series? Which on do you like most? Yes, I like The Hundred pretty much; it has a lot of action.
  6. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go? I’d go to Japan, because is the opposite from where I live (food, life style, etc.).
  7. Why did you choose “Media and Journalism” as your SPIN class? Because it was the funniest one.
  8. Have you ever fall in love? How many times? Just once.
  9. How many languages do you speak? Which? Just 2, French and English.
  10. What do you like most in the United States that you don’t have in your country? Why? I like the beach. Because I like swimming in the ocean, is different from the pool, and I like being under the sun.


Interview to Pierina Staub

Agustina Lopez from Uruguay


  1. What’s your name and how old are you?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. Do you have any brothers or sisters? If you have, do they live with you?
  4. If you could travel to any place in the world where would you go first?
  5. Supposing you get a job offer in this place, would you accept it?
  6. Would you like to live there?
  7. What would you do if you fall in love with a guy there?
  8. If you stayed there for a very long time, what would you miss the most from your country?
  9. Of the countries you have visited, which one do you liked the most and why?
  10. If you could choose a super power, which one would you choose?


Pierina Staub from Switzerland


  1. Her name is Pierina and she’s 16 years old.
  2. She’s from Switzerland, St.Gallen
  3. She has one sister and she loves her, her sister’s name is Lea and she’s 18 years old so Pierina is the younger sister and they live together.
  4. If she could travel to any place she would choose Santa Barbara so her dream has come true because now she is here.pierina staub
  5. Absolutely no, she loves her family and she would miss them very much because it is too far from home.
  6. No she wouldn’t like to live in Santa Barbara.
  7. In case she falls in love with a guy here she is going to tell him that Switzerland is very awesome and beautiful so if he wants to come back with her he is welcomed.
  8. Pierina would miss the most her friends, family and handball.
  9. Of all the countries she had visited the one she totally loved the most was Greece because she loves going to the beach and the food in there is pretty good too.

10.If she could choose a super power she would like to run very fast.


Interview to Luara Garcia

1.What is your name?
Her name is Luara Garcia

2. How old are you?

She is Fourteen years old

3. Where do you from?
She lives in Brazil in Bahia state in Trancoso city

4. Do you have pets?
She has 2 dogs; their names are Tob and Champito

5. Do you have sisters or brothers?
She has 1 sister and she is thirteen years old

6. What is your favorite hobby?
She loves cooking, because it’s fun and it’s healthy

7. What is your favorite color?
Her favorite color is white, because it’s clean

8. What is your favorite country?
Her favorite country is Brazil, because it’s a simple country

9. What is your favorite movie?
Her favorite movie is Harry Potter, because she’s a fan of Harry Potter and read all
the books

10. What is your favorite sport?
Her favorite sport is tennis, because it’s fun and need her to pay attention

Interview to Francesco Malattia

  1. What’s your name? My name is Francesco Malattia
  2. How old are you? I’m 17 years old
  3. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes, I have an older brother a younger sister
  4. Do you like travelling? And do you travel a lot? Yes I really like travelling, I want to discover new countries, new culture. I travel around twice a year
  5. What do you do when you want to have fun? I play basketball on a team, but I like other sports like table tennis, beach volleyball and soccer. I also like hanging out with my friends, going to nightclubs.
  6. What kind of music do you like to listen? I usually listen to House music, because it gives me adrenaline
  7. Are you interested about fashion? Not particularly, I don’t really care about the different brands, if I see clothes I like I’m just going to buy it.
  8. Did you watch the football games of UEFA Euro 2016? Yes I watched it actually but not all of them, only the ones Italia played because of the jetlag. Here the matches are too early in the morning. I think it’s pretty cool that Italy won the matches, especially the one against España.
  9. Do you like watching movies and going to the cinema? Yeah I really like watching movies, my favorites are action and horror movies. I sometimes go to the cinema, when I have the time
  10. What is your favorite candy? I don’t really know because I prefer salty food.francesco malattia

Interview to Jane Gaymard

Francesco Malattia, Italy


  1. What’s your name? 1. Jane Gaymard.
  2. Where do you come from? 2. France.
  3. How long have you been here for? 3. She’s just arrived and she’s going to be here for 3 weeks.
  4. Do you live in a homestay, home share or residence? 4. Residence.
  5. Do you like Santa Barbara? 5. She thinks is pretty cool because there are a lot of stores.
  6. What kind of activities do you want to try during the time you are spending here? 6. Hiking, because with her roommates she wanted to see the sunset from the mountains, and surfing because she has never tried.
  7. Is your host family nice? (if you live in a homestay or home share) 7. She lives in a residence, which she really likes, even if it’s under construction and there’s no pool or café.
  8. Do you practice any sport? 8. She used to play tennis and now she’s practicing krav maga (martial art) .
  9. What kind of music do you most like? 9. French Rap, because it calms her down, pop music for the rhythm and techno, because it wakes her up.

10. During your stay are you going to visit some of this cities ( LA , San Francisco, Las Vegas) ? And what’s the one you are most interested to visit? She wants to visit LA and Las Vegas but she doesn’t know which is the most interesting.Jane Gaymard


The first thing on my top-5 list is to travel. Every time I travel and discover new places, I feel alive, much more than in my daily routine. I like to see beautiful landscapes that have not been touched by humans and to feel very small facing this work of nature. I also like to discover new cultures, new food, new ways of living. To travel is the first thing on my top-5 because I feel that I get richer every time I go to new places and that is what I want my life to look like : getting richer not with money, but with people and emotions.



The second thing on my top-5 list is to spend time with my family and my friends. I can be an introvert who likes spending time alone to focus on myself, but when I don’t feel like being alone, I like and need to be with my family and friends. When I am with my parents, we do not necessarily need to talk, just being together is enough. With my friends, I like to go to the beach, to the cinema or to go out and party hard! What I like the most when I am with them is to laugh, because I think it is one of the most important things in life.



The third thing on my top-5 list is the sun. Every time the weather is bad, my mood is bad too, for no particular reason. I like to lay in the sun, to feel the warmth on my skin and every time there is sun I feel happy and I am in a good mood. In my country, Switzerland, there is not a lot of sun and I can really feel the impact on my mood. I might be born in the wrong country and should definitely move to California!



In the fourth position of my top-5 list there is music. I like the kind of songs with deeply meaningful lyrics that make you feel something. It can be happiness, sadness, a feeling of revolt or a feeling of well-being. I think one of my favorite song is “Etre Humain” (which means “Human Being”), of Nekfeu, a French rapper. The song is about how it is rare today to see “a human being being human.” I feel so many things when I am listening to this song : sadness because of the hard truth that he says, but also hope to see that some people are aware of what the world has become and aware that we have to improve our behavior towards one another.lysmusic-quote

The last thing on my top-5 list is to read. Once again I like the feeling of escaping by reading. I can also live a whole new life without leaving my bed, or learn to know better some cultures or ways of thinking. I think we sometimes need to escape the reality and, in my opinion, reading is one of the best ways to do it, because you still have the freedom to imagine the story as you want it to be in your head. Also, when you read someone else’s biography it can help you to step back from your own life and to realize that you are lucky to have what you have. Indeed, reading can be a way to have more weapons to face the reality and the everyday problems.
